Tree Limb & Brush Recycling
A place to recycle your tree trimmings
At SiteOne, we’re passionate about recycling – in fact, our business started with the recycling of local tree and shrub trimmings. Today, we continue as a dedicated recycler, diverting thousands of cubic yards of brush from landfills each year and processing those trimmings into high-quality mulches and compost. Because we accept only clean tree and shrub trimmings, our mulch never contains fence panels, pallet wood, or other lumber, which may contain toxic elements you wouldn’t want in your flower beds or vegetable gardens.
To recycle your clean tree or shrub trimmings, you can use our roll-off container services and have a container brought to your home or job site, or you can bring those trimmings directly to our facility. For more information about roll-off containers, please visit our Roll-off Container page.
If you have access to a truck or trailer, we accept clean tree and shrub debris for a fee of $6.25 per cubic yard with a $25 minimum. Branches exceeding 18 inches in diameter (logs) will be charged at a higher rate or turned away. Please see our Brush Policy page for more information. Be advised, we stop accepting brush 30 minutes before our official closing time each day.
Note: We do not accept fence panels, dimensional lumber, pallets, sheetrock, dirt, rock, plastic bags, or trash of any kind. We strictly enforce our no trash policy, and violators will not be allowed back to our premises.
Contact us today and we’ll be happy to provide more information.